Making Friends
We just got back from playing soccer at the park with Kelton and had a great time. There were also a couple of great triumphs as well that I want to share. While playing with Kelton, a couple with a 10 month old child named Pedro came over to where we were. At first they stayed over to the side, but our son would not have that. Seeing a new playmate he quickly kicked the ball over to Pedro. Even with that, they were still hesitant until they learned we could speak Portuguese. Pedro did his best to kick the ball and Kelton kept bringing it back to them. We talked with them for a few minutes before they went on to what they were doing. Then a little while later a little girl about Kelton's age ran over to us wanting to play with Kelton. We met her a couple of weeks ago with her mother and little brother. Today she also had her grandpa with her. We talked for a little over 20 minutes and during that time the other couple came back over. A couple of months ago it would have been diffcult to keep up with these conversations, but tonight the conversation flowed very normally. It was neat time for us and shows us that our language really is improving. We were able to carry on conversations and even progress one relationship a little further.