br Salvador Porters: January 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

A night in Portuguese

Brazil Night-1
Originally uploaded by Salvadorporters.
What a blessing furlough has been to our family. We are really enjoying being around so many old friends and having time to share our lives over the past several years. However, no matter how much we love being in the states with this set of friends and family we miss our friends and family back in Salvador.

For sure the majority of our longing centers on our relationships with our friends and the work we are doing in Salvador, but part of our longing also involves this second language we have been working so hard to learn. Well this past Saturday night Bryan and Becky Gibbs opened up their home for us get together with brazilians, ex-missionaries, and anyone else interested in spending an evening worshiping our God and praying for Brazil and we got to do it all in portuguese. What a blessing it was to be able to spend an evening speaking and living in this beautiful language.

Apart from the blessing of speaking in portuguese for an evening we also made a few new friends. It was a great evening. We were blessed to spend with others that have hearts for Brazil and the people there.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Furlough Update

Originally uploaded by Salvadorporters.
For those who do not know it we are on furlough in the states. We are currently in Abilene, TX and will be here until Jan 28 (then we start traveling a little more to see other people we miss and love). We are really enjoying our time in the states. We are trying to eat all of the mexican food we can and it has been goooood.

As you would imagine plans don't always go like you had planned. This past weekend we had a little bit of a surprise as Texas and most of the plains welcomed an ice storm. For those of us living down south we forget temperatures like these exist as we have spent the past several days below the freezing mark. All of this has taught Kelton a new word "Cold." All in all though we are having a great time. The ice, while a little dangerous to drive on, has made for a beautiful landscape all around us. Who knows later this week we may even get a bit of snow. (We can only hope).

Depsite the cold we have still spent time with great families. Over this past weekend we sat down with several families we love and talked their lives and ours and all that God is doing around us.

We love it all, but I must say it makes us a little homesick, not just to see the temperatures up where they are familiar, but also to see all of our friends we keep talking about. It is going well and we will try to keep you updated from time to time.