br Salvador Porters: Encore! Encore!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Encore! Encore!

The women on our team have been doing an online Beth Moore bible study entitled Believing God. One of the frases that Beth said this week on our online video struck me.
We were studying the passage in Joshua 10 where the Israelites go to battle against the Amorite kings on behalf of the Gibeonites. This is the battle where Joshua asks God to make the sun stand still, and HE DOES! What an incredible event. Joshua is not afraid to ask God for something so huge. From this discussion came the idea that when God does great and powerful things in our life, we have to stop and applaud him and tell him what a good job he has done. What an amazing, loving, powerful Lord we serve. The LORD is worthy of us jumping up and down, clapping our hands and applauding him. And I love what Beth said, "The more we clap, the more inclined God is to come with an encore." Think about that.

Today I have been literally jumping up and down with my hands in the air, and applauding our incredible God!

You have put together such an incredible team!
You are building an amazing church!
You have done such a good job providing for our needs, giving us people to walk alongside us in this journey.
You have brought all five families to this place, to this city, that will be radically changed in your name!
You have transformed us into kingdom workers.
You are transforming us into people who live only for you.
You made the sun stand still!
You make the heart of stone into a heart of clay!

Clap your hands all you people! Shout to God with a voice of triumph!
What are you applauding God for?


At 7:44 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Y'all keep clapping 'cause God loves the praise! I'm so glad to hear that things are going well for you down in Brazil! Looking forward to keeping in touch via cyberspace!


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