Final Shipment Report
It is here! Yeah.
Yesterday we were very happy because we received something we have been waiting for, for a long time. It is something so useful and something we took for granted in the States. We expected to have it already but did not know how to get what we needed. Yesterday our doorman rang our doorbell. I opened the door to just what we have been waiting for in his hand. We had no idea he would be bringing one to us, but I was so excited that I wanted to kiss him. There in his hands was ...a....Phone Book.
As most of you know we have been working with our despachante (shipping agent) here in Salvador to get our things liberated from customs. You might also be aware that while working with our despachante, Ana, conversations about God and how He works in the world have also come up. We appreciate all of your prayers for our bags as well as those of you who have been praying for our bags not to be liberated so we can have more time for conversations with Ana.
It is sunday morning. The sun rises early in Salvador and therefore so do we. It is a different experience for me to not be rushed and frantic as we try to make it to church on time. It is amazing how much time you have before worship when you get up before seven. This morning there was time for play and time for study. The girls on our team are participating in a bible study together. We are starting our third week, and I can't even tell you how impactful it has been for us to study the word together on a consistent basis. We are using the Beth Moore bible study, "Beliveing God." It is all about being a person who not only believes in God, but a person who believes God. Believing that God is who he says he is and can do what he says he can do. I truly believe that God has given us this study for such a time as this. We are finally here in Brazil to do what we have been planning to do for so long and the question comes, are we people, am I a person who has the faith to allow God to do all that he has planned for the church is Salvador, Brazil? Do I have the courage to truly believe God and believe that the same God who parted the Red Sea and made the Sun stand still and brought people back from the dead is the God that is moving and working here in Salvador. And incredibly he is the God moving and working in me! God is truly moving among us to make us a people of Great Faith.
As everyone knows it is nice to get out of the house from time to time especially when you can leave your child with someone else. We had that opportunity this week and took it. Oh it was great. We actually had time to leasurely stroll around the shopping center, actually look in stores, and not feel rushed at any point. It was divine. Of course, this also meant we had to find someone to watch Kelton.
We had a great time when a Brazilian family we are getting to know came over for dinner a little over a week ago. Many of you read about the experience so I won't repeat it. I did want to share what happened afterward, though.
We were able to talk with the company helping us liberate our things from customs today. There are few problems with some of the documentation we received from the states, but hopefully I got that straighten out tonight. We should now more tomorrow. Please keep praying.
This past Sunday during our team worship confirmed something that every Christian parent fears. On Sunday we confirmed that Kelton is afraid of "Jesus Loves Me." Of all the songs to be afraid of or dislike, "Jesus Loves Me" and we are even missionaries? But before we pack our bags and head back to the states let me fill you in on how this tragedy happened.
Well it has arrived!! Praise the LORD it is in Salvador!!!
We have finally started our Portuguese class.
What a great weekend. On Saturday we went with our team to the Pelourinho area of town. (If you have ever seen our pictures of
When you walk into this part of the city you are quickly sized up and either seen as a tourist (aka target) or as a local. With our hair and skin color we will probably always be naturally placed in the tourist category meaning that every person selling something in the area will eventually make their way over to us in hopes of unloading a few more necklaces, candies, or some other prices memory of