br Salvador Porters: December 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Fullfilling dreams

Originally uploaded by Salvadorporters.
Since Jennifer was a little child she has dreamed of taking her child to Disneyland. Happily for Christmas this year we were able to do that with Cynthia, Brian, Jonathan, and Judy. Kelton loved it (as did Jennifer). We had a great time at "the happiest place on earth." It was so fun to hear Kelton point out every train he saw. His mother enjoyed showing him around at all of the different places she grew up around. This seems to be the suff dreams are made of.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Coming Back to the US of A

Well we are now back in the states on furlough. It has been a good time so far. We are out in California with Jennifer's sister Cynthia, Jennifer's mom, Judy and the rest of the family. We seem to be on the go here as much as we were back in Brazil. I think we have been to Wal-Mart twice, had mexican food 3 or 4 times, and to a Dollar Store all in just a few days.

Oh and just to top it all off, Jennifer gave me my Christmas present early and I went sky diving for the first time. I could tell you lots, but suffice it to say it was cold, fun, beautiful, and worth waiting for.

Originally uploaded by Salvadorporters.

So far our trip has been great. A little cold for our South American bodies, but really good. We hope to be out in Texas in a couple of weeks and we will see more of you then.

Merry Christmas all.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Our new brothers

This past Sunday we welcomed two new brothers into God's family through baptism. What an amazing work God is doing in calling everyone to relationship with Him. Your new brother's names are Adeson and Gilvan. They are 15 and 14 respectively and two of our youth group kids. We met them through Fernando and his family, one of our families who transfered from the other church. We are so excited about the commitment of these two boys and look forward to walking with them on this journey.

The day was great too. We were able to have our worship service on Sunday morning and them all walk down to the beach for the baptism. We had the church on the beach along with many onlookers as we did what Christians have done for centurys. This is us walking out to the water.
This is Adeson's new birth

Please keep these boys in your prayers.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Air conditioners

So this may not look like a very remarkable picture to you. But we love this picture. This is one of our new air conditioners that has just been installed in our church building.

In case you didn't know, it is hot in Salvador. And now it is summer, so every day it seems to get a little hotter. We are very happy to now have airconditioners in our building that has almost no windows and no breeze. As well as being much nicer for us, we hope it will also be a draw, especially for our middle class target. No one wants to sit and sweat for a couple hours.

We want to praise the Lord for providing the money for these air conditioners!