br Salvador Porters: What we are reading

Friday, August 26, 2005

What we are reading

We do a lot of reading around here. Lately we are reading Whose Nose and Toes about 12 times a day and in between that we read Alphabeep: A Zipping, Zooming ABC quite a lot. When we aren't reading books for toddlers, Randy and I are reading books for kids. Mary Virginia's mom came this week and brought with her Randy's very belated birthday present that we had sent to her house...The sixth Harry Potter book! Several other team members are also quite happy that the next Harry Potter book is here in English. I am reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I started with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and am now reading The Magicians Nephew. I just finished the section where Aslan, the great Lion, sings the world of Narnia into existence. I was entranced by the imagry of how beautifully the world was created.
I am also reading Bringing up Boys by Dr. Dobson. It is a great book for parents wanting to raise Godly boys who will grow up to be men who aren't afraid to be the strong, masculine, godly men they were created to be. I knew this book was for me when I got to this section in the first chapter:
"one of the scariest aspects of raising boys is their tendency to risk life and limb for no good reason. It begins very early. If a toddler can climb on it, he will jump offf it. He careens out of control toward tables, tubs, pools, steps, trees and streets. He will eat anything but food and loves to play in the toilet. He makes 'guns' out of cucumbbers or toothbrushes and likes digging around in drawers, pill bottles, and Mom's purse. And just hope he doesn't get his grubby little hands on a tube of lipstick."
This was just a little too familiar for me not to keep reading!


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

Hey Guys! I just ran across your blog yeaterday! It is great to read about your mission and see that y'all are doing well. A quick book suggestion when/if you get the time and haven't read it yet- Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. Great book! I would love to hear from you guys if you get time. Love ya keep posting!


At 7:27 PM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

while you are reading all of the toddler books, have you also started singing the color songs? R-E-D red, R-E-D red. I can spell red. I can spell red. Firetrucks are red. Stop signs are red too. R-E-D. R-E-D. (sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Matt said...

I love the Narnia books! I would also second Mandy's recommendation of Blue Like Jazz.

On the kids' side of things, I've always been a sucker for the Little Critter books. They are fun, and easy to read even when you only have 3-4 minutes. Alternatively, if you have more time, you can camp out on just about every page in each book, talking about the pictures, looking for all of Little Critters' companions, etc., etc.

Just very, very delightful books.

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Valerie said...

We've got Blue Like Jazz if you want to borrow it.

And hurry up with Harry Potter! :)


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