br Salvador Porters: April 2006

Monday, April 17, 2006

Good Friday with our Youth

Last Friday was Good Friday and we had our second Friday night youth devo. We focused on New Birth through Jesus Christ. We started with an Easter Egg hunt. This is not custom in Brazil, so they were a bit confused at first but caught on quickly. We hid the plastic eggs around our building and inside the eggs were slips of papers with parts of verses that were related to Randy's lesson. When all the eggs were found, they were able to put the slips of paper in order to reveal the verses.
Randy did an excelent job speaking about how we don't have to be stuck in our sins. Because of Christ's death and resurrection, we can have a new life. We can be a new creation. What an amazing truth!
I especially enjoyed our time of worship. This week I looked around the circle at these kids who are coming to these Devos. They were singing and clapping to these new songs we have taught them. Songs about Jesus, about our Lord. We are still waiting for the day that Georgie, Diane, Liane, and the others choose Jesus as the Lord of their life. But for now they are coming, they are seeking. It is an incredible process to be part of.
Please pray for our Friday night youth devos.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Recent Pictures


So this month we have had our first public worship, our first youth event, our first staff meetings in our building. Tonight we had our first small group meeting in our home. We didn't know if anyone would come or if anyone would talk. But praise God, we had a wonderful evening. We had three guests: Dani and Ives from our building (they are dating) and a new friend Fernando. We plan to have small group every Thursday night. We started the book of John tonight. Our study is fairly informal. We work through the passage and discuss various insights and applications.
Tonight as we looked and the first part of John 1, we discussed what it means that Jesus is the light and how we recognize his light in our lives. Tonight I could not help but see His light in my life.
To tell you the truth, I was worried. I was worried that no one would accept our invitation for our small group. But again I am reminded that our God has a plan and that our God is faithful. Please pray that this is just the beginning of many blessed Thursday nights. May God use them to draw people to himself.