Kerri Lane
A very good friend of ours past away last night, Kerri Lane. Kerri was a part of our small group and a very dear sister to us. Very rarely were words of doubt or anger part of her language. She taught us instead what it means to hope in the Lord, believe He moves mountains, and wait for Him to move those mountains in his good time and fashion. She no longer has to wait for healing for her prayers and our have been answered. Maybe not in the way we had hoped, but in a way that is complete.
Please keep Kerri's girls and family in your prayers. As readily as our hearts ache in the absence of Kerri they are filled with love and hope for her girls. They are such sweet spirits who know our Lord in a very special way because of their mother. Pray that arms surround them and watch over them through this time and into the future. Pray for our church back home in Abilene for her spirit and hope will be missed.
I just reread Kerri's last post on her blog from last October. i read them differently today for i know they have found true completion in her now. I am sure these words were as true in her heart yesterday as they were when she wrote them. This was the path she walked. You can read her words as well: