br Salvador Porters: Pe de Porco

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Pe de Porco

This week I did something I never imagined doing. I went to butchers and bought a pig foot. I did not really enjoy buy the salted pig foot. In fact the butcher wanted me to pick out which one I wanted, and I couldn't really get across to him that I didn't care which one, I just wanted him to put one in a bag that I couldn't see through so I could leave the strong smelling salted meat area and stop looking at the hooved feet.

Why did I buy a pig foot, you ask? I obviously did not enjoy the process. But to tell you the truth I was thrilled to buy it. I bought it for feijoada. It is the national dish of Brazil. And Sunday we are having a potluck and feijoada is the main dish. I loved buying a pig foot because of what it represents. Sunday we are having a potluck. But why this potluck is so exciting is that it was not planned by the Mission Salvador team. It is being planned by our members. One of our members, Jaciara is having a birthday and she wanted to celebrate with her church families. So the ladies of the church have planned a meal for the church after worship on Sunday. They made a list of the ingredients needed for the supper and had people sign up to bring them.

Our members are planning and preparing a meal for our church family. God is growing his family here, and we are blessed to be a part of it.


At 10:43 AM, Blogger G'ampa C said...

MMMMMMMmmmmm.. pig's feet!
We used to grow our own chickens when I was small, and when we butchered them, we scalded and plucked the feathers, singed off the pinfeathers, and cut them up to freeze. My mother fried the feet after skinning the first layer of skin off, and we would literally fight to be first in line. We nibbled off the feet for hours. In a culture where everything is prefabricated and reconstituted, we should occasionally hear about pig's feet in stew. Just remember that when your children are grown, they will remember those things and the people they shared with.

We will be sharing this evening some cookies and juice sent from the Porter's via Heather A., and we will remember........

At 5:23 PM, Blogger G'ampa C said...

WE enjoyed the drink and cookies in Lifeteam tonight, and talked of you as we shared the communion. Love you three very much, and miss you.

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Mandy said...

Sounds like things are going well down there! Keep up the great work and keep being Jesus! Miss you guys!

At 7:02 PM, Blogger pawatson said...

I always enjoyed church potlucks. You got to share the best of everyone's cooking. While I was home this summer, I went with my dad to the church my grandmother had attended for their Homecoming potluck, and was immediately advised that there was some of "Emma's" dressing left and I had to have some. It is good that the church there is developing this tradition of gathering around the table to share a meal. So many good things happen around a table over food.


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