br Salvador Porters: October 2006

Friday, October 27, 2006

Our recent Movie Night

You may remember that this past summer we put one of my favorite past times to good use and started a movie night. It is something I enjoy. Those of us involved pick a movie and a theme for the evening that is addressed by the movie. We then write questions to help foster discussion in small groups after we all watch the movie. We did it twice this past winter (your summer) and thought we would try it again this spring (your fall).

So we set the date for last week. We picked a fun movie (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of the Black Pearl). We told the church and asked them to invite someone that doesn't have a relationship with Christ. My co-leader Matt and I watched the movie, wrote the questions, and got everything set. So last Saturday we opened the building up and got all set up. Everything was set, we were ready to go. As we were calling people to grab their snacks and take their seats the power went out. At first I thought it was no big deal it would probably come back on in a few minutes. However, I was wrong. After about 30 minutes of waiting (we are optimist at heart) Mary suggested that we use this time to sing a little bit.

All I can say is that it was not what was planed. The lights did not come back on until about 10 minutes after everyone left. We did not watch our movie and we did not have our discussions. Yet in the midst of the darkness and our singing good things happened. We had a great night.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

long needed vacation

Originally uploaded by Salvadorporters.
We just came back today from a little family vacatioin. What a time. We loved it. We went just about an hour north of the city. It was great to get out of the city for a few days and relax. If you want to click on the picture you should be able to see some of the other pictures we took on our vacation as well.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Retiro dos Jovens

Retiro 2006 (grupo)
Originally uploaded by Salvadorporters.
just coming back from our first retreat with the kids here in Salvador. What a great time. It was about 24 hours long and everyone seemed to have a great time. We played volleyball, soccer, swam, went the beach, played goofy games, ate good food, studying about reflecting the image of Christ. It was great. Here is a group photo. (FYI: to all those parents who have ever helped us out with youth events: God Bless you!!!)